Friday, March 04, 2011

Schoolchildren Sing Iron Maiden - Priceless

Props to Seano at Circle of Fits, who found and posted this already but I just had to steal it. Why in the hell was my elementary school music class not this cool? Holy shit. This needs zero explanation or analysis. Just watch it.

Well, actually two notes - see how the BOYS are much more animated by this music, and I do love the ripping air guitar solo section. 'Nuff said.


Unknown said...

I'm sure once the parents find out about this they will all complain about their precious children being taught this evil devil music. "Fire that teacher!" My daughter is that age, and she would have been the one in the front rocking the hardest. Priceless indeed.

Dr. John said...

Nice. Never would go over at our kids' Catholic school...

Dr. John said...

Wonder what will happen when they study poetry? Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Xanadu?