Imagine the shock I felt when I went to the KISS Web page this morning and lo and behold, my photo of Tommy Thayer (taken with my crappy Treo camera phone) is on KISS' very own Web site, along with my review. They did edit out everything snarky but who am I to complain? I feel practically famous for the day. The same edit ran on KISS' fan page on Facebook. Here are links to the stories:
--Facebook Fan Page story (the comments are quite amusing, as the old debate over who's better - Ace/Peter or Tommy/Eric rages on)
That's awesome, congrats!
That is super cool! Sounds absolutely amazing!
But I do find it ironic (given Gene's obsession with protecting HIS brand) that:
1) they didn't ask your permission to post and edit your words;
2) they didn't mention you by name (or pseudonym);
3) and they didn't even provide a link to your blog (the least they could have done, which would have given you massive exposure).
I'm not trying to kill your buzz. My guess is you rightfully don't really give a crap about any of those things: just a nod from these guys is probably reward enough. Also, perhaps I'm wrong and they did one or more of the above.
Do you have any thoughts on the issue?
Although they look like wax figures in the pic, I read the review and it was great. Congrats to you!
Tom, you are totally correct. Had they linked to my original post, my numbers would have been off the grid and I may have picked up several new readers. On the KISSONLINE home page, they do give me a credit, posting "Isorski's Musings" at the top of the post - but it's not there after the jump and it's not a hot link.
They don't seem to preserve any links and they did edit the heck out of my post, getting rid of everything snarky. And no, I wasn't asked.
But having said all of this, I don't care. I think it's really cool that out of all the reviews they could have repurposed, mine was one of the two from the Portland show!
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