Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New Asia Album/Cancelled Dates - Huh?

A very small mention on the Asia Web site indicates the band's summer tour is being transitioned into 'solo gigs.' Huh? In the next breath, it is reported that the band will enter the studio to record the first album by the original four since the atrocious "Alpha" album. Hmmph? What in the hell is going on? Why can't these prog rockers every stick to a commitment? If that new album sees the light of day, I will buy a copy for every one of my readers (both of you).


Dr. John said...


Is that a promise?

VoxMoose said...

They must have read your Reunion Roundup blog (and associated comments) and realized their main fanbase was lukewarm on a full Asia tour. Isorski's Musings makes its first major social impact! :)