Friday, January 30, 2009

This is Truly Awful

From the "Just because you can do it does not mean that you should" department, some engineers from the Evil Empire in Seattle have unleashed songwriting software called Microsoft Songsmith (even that name sucks) that automatically builds computer generated music around an isolated vocal track.

I have no idea how they got the vocal for this song isolated, but I do know that the result is hurl-worthy. Enjoy (?)


Dr. John said...

Damn, get me some anti-puke medicine. That was truly awful, as you said. Interesting, though, how the 4/4 time kept going through the 7/8 section and picked right up without missing a beat. Weird how the math worked out on that one. Wonder if Geddy, Alex, and Neil have seen this...

VoxMoose said...

Have to admit that I actually liked it in a freaky sort of way. There was something both creative and anti-creative about it at the same time. Unsettling.

Still, I'm sure our computer overlords of the far future will hang their head in shame at the music non-skills of their early ancestors circa 2009.

Dr. John said...

Voxmoose - good comments. Makes me wonder what the priests of the temple of syrinx would think about this...

VoxMoose said...

Good question Dr. John. I bet the priests would actually approve of this kind of "self expression." A harmless, sweet melody strummed and hummed lightly on an ancient guitar? Crime against society! Cold, babbling computer generated nonsense set to the same tune that robs humanity of its creative musical expression? Priceless.

In fact, I think someone needs to do a parody of the 2112 suite next. And re-write the lyrics so the character finds Microsoft Songsmith instead of a guitar in that cave...