Sunday, March 02, 2008

Indiana Jones Returns

I remember going to see the first Indiana Jones movie when I was a wee lad and laughing myself silly when that dude's face melted at the end.

Maybe we'll get the chance to relive the magic in May.

The AP ran this story about how the trailer is catching like wildfire (also pasted below). Looks pretty good!


sue said...

isorski: when I saw HF on the Oscars, he didn't quite look up to doing an action movie. But I'll go for old time's sake.

VoxMoose said...

Raiders came out in 1981 and took place in 1936 -- 27 years later puts us in 1962 or so. If they get their timelines right, Stevie S and Co. should be able to have Indiana Jones fight not only the cold war but the Beatles invasion -- not to mention prevent the aliens from killing off Kennedy in '63.

Dr. John said...

I have to disagree with you Voxmoose. The planes and cars look pretty WW2 era to me.

In response to Sue, I love the line about things not being as easy as they used to be.

VoxMoose said...

WWII?? Dr. J, just look at any fan site (or wikipedia): it is fairly well known the movie is a cold war thriller versus the Soviets, definitely not WWII. How else to explain how HF aged over 25 years?! And, as Sue pointed out, HF definitely looks aged...

Obviously I was kidding about the Beatles and Kennedy, though :) But perhaps Elvis will make a cameo...

Dr. John said...


No, I had not checked out the fan sites, so I stand corrected. Would be cool to work the fab four into the plot somehow, though...

eagle said...

I can't wait for the new Indiana Jones but that's not saying much because I also couldn't wait for the new Rocky, Rambo or Die Hard. One of them being worth the wait. What do you think about the next 3 installments of Terminator with Christian Bale. Is all originality lost in Hollywood?

Guitarman5150 said...

I have always been an Indy fan I can't wait for this one.